February 25, 2006

Iraq Civil War?
It was predictable, because all the Shiites, Sunnis, Kurds, and their Clerics have militias and hate each other’s guts. The foolish Neo-cons thought they could invade, conquer and pacify Iraq in six months. And, Mr. Bush believed them! Instead, their invasion of Iraq destabilized that country and the entire Middle East. The al Qaeda attack on the Saudi oil refinery and threats of hitting more sites is evidence of the failure of the Iraq war as well. We have not done a thing to diminish the al Qaeda network. Instead, this President and our country have made the terrorist organization stronger and more dangerous because we have fought the wrong war!

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February 23, 2006

New Art Work
Announcing a New Art Work

February 22, 2006

Bush and Shipping Operations Deal
I’m with him on this one!

For once he’s got it right, and the entire Republican establishment comes out against him! Stick to your guns GW. We must show that we are not prejudiced against all Arab people and Arab countries.

Or, perhaps we are.


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February 21, 2006

Thirty-four U. S. Members of the World Council of Churches Denounce Iraq War
My faith in the protestant members (among them the Presbyterian Church USA) of this organization, and in Christianity in general has been partially restored. The 34 US members of the World Council framed a statement that is highly critical of the Iraq war, stating “We mourn all who have died or been injured in this war. We acknowledge with shame the abuses carried out in our name. For more information, go to World Council of Churches.

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February 19, 2006

Bush Whitehouse Will Destroy New Orleans and Gulf Coast through Lack of Interest!
The recently released House Probe on Katrina, published by a Republican congress, demonstrates the lack of response by the Bush Whitehouse, State, and local governments to the greatest natural catastrophe in our nation’s history. See House Probe on Katrina Spreads blame, by Lara Jakes Jordan, from the abc news Website.

The State of the Union Address almost three weeks ago and Michael Brown’s testimony in the Senate Friday week before last demonstrated just how complete is President Bush’s lack of concern. See “Summary Box: A Defiant Michael Brown”, Associated Press in the Washington Post, February 10, 2006. The Bush Whitehouse intends to allow the poor people of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast rot, because the War in Iraq and making the cut in taxes for Wealthy Americans permanent are the important things on this government’s agenda. I am repeatedly amazed that our middle class hasn’t figured out that Bush has no interest in them other than as fodder for his wealth-making machine. Tragically, Bush’s perfunctory mention of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast in his 2006 State of the Union Address seems to reflect national opinion on the issue. Most Americans are ready to write the Gulf Coast off. See “Is It Really Goodbye and Good luck New Orleans” by Jim Hoagland in the Huston Chronicle on line, February 5, 2006. We, along with this president and his cronies seem to be so self-centered as individuals and communities that we cannot place ourselves in the other fellow’s shoes.

We are becoming a nation of curmudgeons. Shame on us!


I have donated money to Habitat for Humanity with the stipulation that it be used to help rebuild the homes of poorer citizens of New Orleans in their own neighborhoods because the character of New Orleans grew from these people and the lives they led in their home parishes. Jazz became the keynote (pun intended) of New Orleans because of these folks. Do we really wish to turn our backs on them?

Anyone reading this, please contribute to Habitat for Humanity.

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February 18, 2006

Florida Fantasy Houses
North Palm Beach County Real Estate

Dear Journal,

I decided to look at everything, including stuff I can’t possibly afford because I see such fabulous houses and condominiums all over the place here. So, during the next several weeks I will include images of some of the things I’ve looked at. I hope you enjoy them as much as I’ve enjoyed actually seeing these places.


Gothic House

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February 16, 2006

Old Recordings of Saddam Hussein Demonstrate that There Were No WMD at the Time of the 2003 Invasion!
The CIA found the tapes, and there are 12 authentic hours of tape recordings that our government kept secret. Saddam Hussein states that he warned the USA of terrorist attacks, and he also says that the attacks would not come from Iraq, but might involve weapons of mass destruction. See the report “Congress's Secret Saddam Tapes,” in the New York Sun, dated February 7, 2006 that states Congress possessed the tapes and would release them on February 17th.

Of course, our government kept the tapes secret. Instead, they were provided by Bill Tierney a former member of a United Nations inspection team, and they aired on ABC “World News Tonight”. The conversations between Hussein and members of his family and Cabinet indicate that Iraq had WMD at one time, and that they planned to have them again when the opportunity and circumstances allowed.

I have not found an article on the Internet also stating the obvious - that the tapes demonstrate there were no WMD at the time of the 2003 invasion – which is why our government kept the tapes secret.

Come back again to see photographs of Houses and Condominiums I’ve seen down here in South Florida.

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February 14, 2006

Let Cheney Alone!
Okay, Enough is enough! This is ridiculous. How many of us recognize Harry Whittington’s name?

“Huh? Who’s Harry Whittington?”

I don’t like our vice president, but fair is fair. It was an accident folks! Yes, It probably involved poor judgment on his part, as well as others in the hunting party, including Mr. Whittington. Yes, his hunting license lacked a stamp for hunting fowl (pun not intended). And, it was not the lackey/go-getter’s fault that Cheney didn’t have the stamp. It was Cheney’s fault. However, there are more important things going on in the world.

Get over it!

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Bush Budget Disaster
Last year’s sneaky proposed budget put the huge deficit and spending proposals of this not so dumb president in the hands of his successor. See “After Bush Leaves Office, His Budget Costs Balloon” in the washingtonpost.com. The next poor sucker has to slash and burn the Bush II budget and become the most unpopular president in history, or put off paying the piper to his successor. And, guess what? This year’s budget does the same, or worse! Read Bush Slashes Domestic Programs in Budget” in The Age.

We must get rid of those tax cuts for the richest Americans!

Why doesn’t the middle class understand that they are witnessing their own disenfranchisement? Any way you look at it, this presidency is the biggest 8 yearlong disaster to hit the United States in its entire 230 year history!

Jack Abramov claimed close ties to Carl Rove

Big surprise!

Lewis (Scooter) Libby case is bogged down because Whitehouse refuses to release records.

Did we expect anything different?

Nation Focuses on Cheney Hunting Accident

With the mess this administration has created for the nation and world, why focus on Mr. Cheney’s stupidity in this particular personal instance?

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. I have removed Comments because unscrupulous persons were using that part of the “blog” to advertise their products and services. If you have legitimate comments, I hope you will communicate these directly to me.

February 12, 2006

Stephen Gulliver

February 10, 2006

NSA Surveillance of Americans Leads to Prevention of Terrorist Attacks – I think Not!
Bush intimates that routine surveillance of American citizens without court warrants by the NSA is necessary because it helped to stop terrorist attacks on the United States in 2001 and again in 2002. See the article by John Salustri, “Bush Details Terrorist Plot Against U.S. Bank Tower" in GlobeSt.com. Mr. Salustri’s article demonstrates that foreign countries were willing even anxious in 2001 to cooperate with the United States in the prevention of terrorist attacks. However, it tells us nothing about the role of wiretaps on our citizens in such prevention, either real or fantasized.

When asked about the thwarted attack in 2001, against The U.S. Bank Tower, the tallest building on the West Coast, the new mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villiagarosa stated - I'm paraphrasing - that Bush has told the American people more than he has been told. At the same time, he said the city police and fire departments have conducted mock events based on scenarios of the worst kind in order to be prepared for such an attack on any of the taller buildings in his city.

Isn’t it interesting that Bush waited until 2006, an election year, to fill us in on all the details of the avoided catastrophe. Why didn’t he tell us all about his success at the time? The answer is simple - because eavesdropping on American citizens played no part in preventing those attacks! The amazing thing is that he is succeeding in convincing gullible citizens that spying on us is necessary to conducting the war on terror. One poll shows that 48 percent of Americans support wire tapping this month as opposed to only 42 percent last month, and us macho guys are the people he is most successful in converting.

Once again, I’m disgusted with the gullibility of the American public, men in particular!

Jupiter Palm Tree and Moon


I had to include this photograph. I took it on Jupiter Beach last evening, just before sunset. I love Coconut Palms! The evening sky, moon, ocean, and coconut palm helped to create for me a sense of serenity that was Zen-like.

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February 09, 2006

Jupiter Inlet
I am definitely “in like” with North Palm Beach County for several reasons. First, it isn’t solid city. There are actually short stretches of coast with nothing on them that nature didn’t put there. The local people, those who have lived here all their lives, tell me that just 25 years ago, Jupiter and Juno Beach were still small towns with a vast stretch of scrub pine and palmetto between. Second, it’s a bit more relaxed than Miami, Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach, though the drivers are maniacal just as they have been all over South Florida. Third, there are so many of us older folk there that the place is like a vast Pine Needle Manor. Forth, the north end of the county is up-scale with vast park-like areas, great shopping centers (Bloomingdales, Dillards, J. C. Penny) and fine restaurants serving all cuisines. Fifth, Culture, museums, symphony, ballet, theater are but a short 8 to 10 mile drive to West Palm Beach. There is one drawback. I haven’t met one gay man up there. I’d have to drive to West Palm Beach to find any LGBT people. I guess I can’t have my beefcake and eat it too.

I never said I wasn’t a card carrying member of the Dirty Old Man Club!

This past Friday I was at Jupiter Inlet when this monster storm hit. It was beautiful and I took pictures. I have included one below. You can see the lighthouse in the background.


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February 06, 2006

Mohammad Caricature
He’s got a lighted bomb on his head,
As around the world
Extremist’s riots spread.
Destruction moves
As rioters pillage and burn
The image proves
When considered too
The Iraq War
Started by Bush Two
Fundamentalism in all its forms
Is the disease that
Both Christian and Muslim deforms.

I know it is true that fundamentalism distorts Christ's actual message of peace, replacing it with one of divisiveness, war and destruction. Others think so too. See The Scandal of Evangelical Conscience. The “Mohammad Caricature Riots” and Al Qaeda are the proof as concerns the the same for Islamic culture.

And I found this cartoon in an article, “The New Fundamentalism,” Taverne, Dick. Nature Technology. 23, 415-416, (2005) at nature.com. http://www.nature.com/index.html. NPG © 2006. visited Monday February 6, 2006. It equates the biodegradation of our environment with both Bush and Christian Fundamentalism.

Bite the Bullet

I’ve found several condominiums that I like in the area. All are more expensive than I had wished for, but I’ve decided to go ahead with purchasing one. After all, as a non-evangelical Christian, I believe I have but one life here on Earth. If I were Buddhist, or Hindu, I might be able to be more philosophical about the issue and postpone living in a warm climate for another lifetime. I have also put my name on a list for a senior community that has all the amenities that THE BIG NEEDLE has in Lancaster. They told me that there is a two-year wait time, minimum, but I’m betting that I have at least two years before I need such a place. Let’s hope I’m right.

I informed Ruth of my decision by cell last night, and she was apoplectic. I told her that I would only buy a property located within the strip between the Intercostals and the beaches so that it will be an investment as well as a dwelling-place.

“Daddy, I just think this is foolish. You live in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and you live in a place that was designed with old people in mind.”

“That’s an ageist statement, daughter.”

“No, it is an honest one. Pine Needle Manor has assisted care, which you have needed on at least two separate occasions. There is also a nursing home facility should you need that. You are going to give that up, so you can live independently in a community where you have no support in place should something happen.”

“Yes. I am doing that. I should never have agreed to live in Prickly Needle in the first place. I am in good health, and I want to be some place warm.”

“I wish you would listen to reason. You can be so stubborn.”

“Yes again. I can be.”

“I guess there’s no point in further discussion. I’m going to hang up now.”

The phone went dead - not even good-by. Ruth has Orchard Hill Farm. It’s located on one of the best chunks of dirt for growing things on the entire planet. I don’t get it. It’s worth a lot more than the money I have in the bank. Could it be that in her own weird way Ruth actually cares about me?

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. I have removed Comments because unscrupulous persons were using that part of the “blog” to advertise their products and services. If you have legitimate comments, I hope you will communicate these directly to me.

February 03, 2006

North Palm Beach County

Blowing Rocks on Jupiter Island has become my favorite place to drive to and then take a walk. Some of the beach is primal, as it was when the Seminoles still lived along the Loxahatchee River. When the park is manned, it costs three dollars to get in unless you walk along the beach from the south end parking area. I did that once. It was exhausting. I had to stop and sit in the sand over and over again. And, going back was worse. That’s my age speaking. I saw a young couple walking out to the rocks, and they were having no problem with the hike. However, yesterday I paid the three dollars and walked on the park’s narrow boardwalk, over the sea grape covered dunes and on to the beach and ancient prehistoric reef. I found some olive shells of various sizes beside the reef, and in round holes carved into it by the pounding Atlantic waters. They're a narrow egg shape with a spiraling point at one end and pale hatch marks in tans and lavender on a white to cream and tan ground. In midwinter, when the current is from the right direction, the water here turns to a deep emerald green. And when the waves break, the color name “sea-foam” comes to mind, though there is no way to describe the pale tints of aqua and green created. I took some photographs out there yesterday. I was there during low tide, so there were no waterspouts. Nevertheless, the sun was low in the west creating perfect light.

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