No News Isn’t Necessarily Good News.
I talked with Mother on the phone last night. She said that whether or not Isaac is located she and Dad plan on returning to Granddad’s condominium during the Thanksgiving holiday to sell the furniture, empty, and put it up for sale. My heart sank through the floor, and I’ve been terribly depressed ever since. I’m not sure they can do that if Granddad isn’t legally dead. Nevertheless, I will check into it, and at the very least, I will go along, or separately by plane so I can save his laptop, records, artwork, and writing from my compulsive and obsessed mother.
There’s not much else to report at this time. I certainly don’t feel like doing a lengthy personal expose of my feelings. The media drive me mad with their obsession concerning personal confession and disclosure. I’m tired of hearing and reading emotional and trivial life stories, because such things should be private. Besides, there is nothing in most diurnal existence to interest anyone other than the individual. Perhaps Jesus Christ, Ghandi, Buddah, and a few others took personal experience and transformed it into something that all humanity can learn from. The rest of us, well - Twenty-first Century America is a wasteland of hyper empty-headed emotion.
H-m-m-m-m-m! I guess I can do a crazed diatribe just as well as my Granddad. Thus, this is the first moment possessed of a certain and positive cathartic feeling since Granddad disappeared.
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There’s not much else to report at this time. I certainly don’t feel like doing a lengthy personal expose of my feelings. The media drive me mad with their obsession concerning personal confession and disclosure. I’m tired of hearing and reading emotional and trivial life stories, because such things should be private. Besides, there is nothing in most diurnal existence to interest anyone other than the individual. Perhaps Jesus Christ, Ghandi, Buddah, and a few others took personal experience and transformed it into something that all humanity can learn from. The rest of us, well - Twenty-first Century America is a wasteland of hyper empty-headed emotion.
H-m-m-m-m-m! I guess I can do a crazed diatribe just as well as my Granddad. Thus, this is the first moment possessed of a certain and positive cathartic feeling since Granddad disappeared.
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You're right. They can't do that without power of attorney. If he's not deceased, then it's robbery and if he has passed, then his will comes into play.
If Isaac had an attorney, I would advise letting him know what is going on so he can make things legal.
I really hope that they can't just walk in and sell up just like that. I hope that you can save his writings etc from the clear out.
I appreciate your keeping us up to date with what is happening, it must be very hard for you.Thank you.
I can see your granddad in the way you write. I'm still hoping that he will turn up - amused by all of the fuss!
Thank you both, from the bottom of my heart! Yes this is very difficult. I did bring Granddad's address book, and some other papers from his desk home with me to Woodbury. I snuck them past Mother, and into my luggage, so I do know Granddad's lawyer's address and telephone number, and plan to contact him today. Thanks again.
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