Is that because Al Qaeda is more and more active or is it because our political system is taking increasing note as interest in the 2008 election grows? With the current spate of reports that we are being threatened with a calamity much greater than 9/11/2001, I wonder if Al Qaeda or someone isn’t trying to manipulate our political process. Specifically and first, the Internet video posted by an American member of Al Qaeda,
Adam Yehiye Gadahn this past month in which he says, “"Your failure to heed our demands ... means that you and your people will ... experience things which will make you forget all about the horrors of September 11th, Afghanistan and Iraq and Virginia Tech."* Analysts say that the threats and warnings are designed to relieve al-Qaeda of responsibility for any of the damage it does. Another article posted on the BBC Website titled “
Al-Qaeda seeks unity with Hamas,” describes an audio-tape posted on the Internet by Ayman Al-Zawahiri, Bin Laden’s number two man that also calls on Muslims everywhere to fight against Israeli and U.S. interests. * Last week, we had the
British car bombs, and the rumor that over 300 al-Qaida operatives have infiltrated the U.K. and U.S. with the goal of taking car bombs to targets throughout both countries. Al-Qaeda also continues to be active in Osama bin Laden’s homeland of Yemen where a recent car bomb killed Spanish and Yemenis visiting a Mosque associated with the Biblical Queen of Sheba. I conclude that the sudden spate of articles and news stories about al-Qaeda is the result of someone, a group, or groups trying to influence the 2008 presidential election. Hawks, Republicans, doves, Democrats, News Services, who? Additionally, of course, al Qaida’s goal is to destroy Western civilization.
Americans are such babies these days, myself included. If the presence of such threats becomes pervasive, we will probably panic and immediately begin looking for the biggest Republican hawk to save us from the evil infidel. I guess that’s John McCain. If he should be elected president, the war in Iraq would go on and on, ad infinitum, ad nauseum. The United States would pay even less attention to the actual problem of sabotage by al Qaeda and it’s evil issue from within our borders. Thus, the disruption of our way of life would become inevitable.
We need a candidate for president who has a clear program for international cooperation, with direct involvement of the United Nations
policing to remove al-Qaeda from the international theater. Such a candidate would articulate a set of goals that will enable us to work toward peace between the West and Mid-east in order to remove the root cause of terrorism.
But, where is such a person?
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, or post them below.*Johnson, Anna (AP),“al-Qaida Video Threatens Attacks on U.S.,” on, posted May 30, 2007, 5:30 AM EDT, viewed: May 30, 2007, 10:21 AM EDT.
Kratova, Katrina (AP), “al Qaida Escapee in Online Video,” on, Posted May 30, 2007, Posted May 30, 2007, 7:00 AM EDT, viewed May 30, 2007,10:48 AM EDT.
Delio, Michelle, “Al Qaeda Website Refuses to Die,”
WIRED, Posted 040707 at 2:00 AM EDT. Viewed Wednesday, May 30, 2007, 11:03 AM EDT.
“Al Qaeda blamed for Yemen Attack,” AP press release, on, Updated 1:46 PM EDT, Monday, July 2, 2007. Viewed 9:40 AM EDT, Wednesday, July 4, 2007.
“Al-Queda Seeks Unity with Hamas,” BBC,, Monday, June 25, 2007, 11:57 GMT, 12:57 UK, viewed 9:31 AM EDT.
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