November 30, 2005

My New Family Photo Album
I often refer to the foil man, Rebecca, and other family members and friends in my journal entries. I have occasionally included images of these in various entries, but of course, over time, they end up buried in my cyber-ramblings. So, I have visited the professor’s museum in Pittsburgh twice during the past year. While there I made copies in the museum basement of his files that catalogue my old black and white photographs from the 1950's and 60's. During this past week I opened a new blog and named it “Isaac’s Family Album.” I linked the album to this journal. The link is located near the top of the column to the right. I shall be adding pages of photographs and text to the album as I have time to create them, and I hope readers will enjoy them.

Friends Service Committee and Habitat for Humanity


I’m still plugging American Friends Service Committee for relief along the Gulf Coast. Long term help is necessary to return the poor to their parishes along the Gulf Coast, and repair the damage done to those neighborhoods that gave New Orleans it’s cuisine and culture. Soon, the Red Cross and other emergency organizations will move on to new crises. The Friends are much more likely to do good things for the unfortunate people of the region than anyone I can think of. They do not discriminate, and they will not proselytize while helping those who wish to reestablish themselves. Also, think about donating money and/or your own time and skills to Habitat for humanity. That organization will be called on to help the poor rebuild their homes, I’m sure.

*AFSC Logo, American Friends Service Committee home Page,, site licensed under a creative commons license. viewed Wed., November 30, 2005.

Please E-mail me at
with comments.
(Note the new address. I am no longer at AOL.)
. Note that I have removed "Comments," as unscrupulous persons were using that part of the “blog” to advertise their products and services. If you have legitimate comments, I hope you will communicate these directly to me.

November 26, 2005

FIMA Puts Needy Hurricane Victims on the Streets
Rhetorical question - Is it possible that FIMA could keep on screwing-up right into next year’s hurricane season?

I know that middle class and wealthy hurricane victims used FIMA’s free hotel rooms. Greedy people with flood insurance, good jobs, and family and/or friends with spare rooms did not need those hotel rooms and should be ashamed of themselves. Because of those folks in part, it is estimated that approximately 50,000 poor families will be put on the streets within the next week. Instead of putting poor families on the streets during the holiday season, why doesn’t FIMA go after the wealthy and middle class jerks that used the system to get a “free lunch.”

Of course, FIMA is running out of money because the President has refused to provide extended aid for the wreaked Gulf Coast, and because of the thousands of checks mailed to middle class and wealthy citizen victims of Katrina. While I feel sorry for anyone who lost their home, and/or job, middle class folks and the wealthy with insurance, good prospects for the future, and reserve funds should not be using money needed to help the poor, who have also lost their homes and their jobs because of Katrina, Rita and Wilma.

Happy Holidays everyone!

Friends Service Committee and Habitat for Humanity


I’m still plugging American Friends Service Committee for relief along the Gulf Coast. Long term help is necessary to return the poor to their parishes along the Gulf Coast, and repair the damage done to those neighborhoods that gave New Orleans it’s cuisine and culture. Soon, the Red Cross and other emergency organizations will move on to new crises. The Friends are much more likely to do good things for the unfortunate people of the region than anyone I can think of. They do not discriminate, and they will not proselytize while helping those who wish to reestablish themselves. Also, think about donating money and/or your own time and skills to Habitat for humanity. Mr. And Mrs. Bush spent some time with Habitat workers in Louisiana on October 11th, 2005. We all understand that Mr. Bush has to spend his time on more important matters. Hopefully you and I have more time and money to spend on this effort than the President has.

My Psychiatric Evaluation is Scheduled for Next Week

I threw a mild temper tantrum in order to get my evaluation scheduled so quickly, but I had no choice. I’ve had to put my Florida trip off over and over again. I need to get this done and move on. After all, I’m 86, and I know my time on this earth is limited. Whatever God has in store for this X-Amish-retired-gay-farmer-artist in the after life, I intend to explore the excellent winter climate of his Earth in Southern Florida before moving on. Of course my fundamentalist family and at least half of the residents here at THE BIG NEEDLE plan on me roasting in hell in the afterlife. Nevertheless, I don’t think God has any such arrangements made for me, though I don’t pretend to understand his/her plans as do all these good and prejudiced folks.

*Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,, page last modified 04:27, November 16, 2005, viewed 9:27 AM EST, November 26, 2005. The image is the copyrighted logo (property), ©, of Habitat for Humanity and may not be used by any other organization.

Please E-mail me at
with comments.
(Note the new address. I am no longer at AOL.)
. Note that I have removed "Comments," as unscrupulous persons were using that part of the “blog” to advertise their products and services. If you have legitimate comments, I hope you will communicate these directly to me.

November 24, 2005


November 22, 2005

Make no mistake, Judge Samuel Alito has demonstrated in the past that he is against a woman’s right to have an abortion!

In an article titled “Alito boasts of his work against abortion during Reagan administration,” Associated Press writer Jesse J. Holland quotes documents released by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library on Monday, November 14, 2005.

"I am particularly proud of my contributions in recent cases in which the government argued that racial and ethnic quotas should not be allowed and that the Constitution does not protect a right to an abortion," wrote Alito, who was then working for the solicitor general's office.”

On Tuesday, November 15, 2005, Holland seemed to mitigate Monday’s story writing “President George W. Bush’s Supreme Court nominee distanced himself Tuesday from his 1985 comments that there was no constitutional right to abortion, telling a senator in private that he had merely been ‘an advocate seeking a job.’”

Judge Alito’s remarks, past and present must be viewed within the greater fracas over abortion that has been raging between conservative and liberal forces for thirty-five years. It is about language, binary opposition and the Western proclivity to see the universe and God as functioning solely within our human understanding of opposition. The far right, dare I say fundamentalist Christian church has redirected language about women’s rights so that one is against life if one is for women’s rights. The pros and cons have been offered again and again. However, it is true (and I do claim that there are truths in this universe) that one can be for a woman’s right to abortion, and at the same time not wish to destroy a fetus. The issue is much more complex than the fallacy of opposition would suggest, and extreme conservatives must not be allowed to use The Law to limit individual’s rights in a free society.

More About Ruth

I reported my conversation with Ruth about the Florida trip on Thursday, November 17th, and, yes, she did forbid me to go to Florida, saying, “If you persist with your delusional behavior and make this trip, I shall see my attorney and have you declared incompetent.” So, I will submit myself to a psychiatric evaluation before leaving. Of course, I shall not mention my alternate universe, Varnastrama, or Stephen Gulliver’s “Straight World.” Why supply the opposition with ammunition?

Katrina Relief

I’m still plugging American Friends Service Committee for relief along the Gulf Coast. Long term help is necessary to return the poor to their parishes and repair the damage done to those neighborhoods that gave New Orleans it’s cuisine and culture. Soon, the Red Cross will move on to other crises. The Friends are much more likely to do good things for the unfortunate people of the region than anyone I can think of. They do not discriminate, and they will not proselytize while helping those who wish to return reestablish themselves.

Please E-mail me at
with comments.
(Note the new address. I am no longer at AOL.)
I do so like to have the opportunity to communicate with readers.

November 18, 2005

Vindictive Republican Congress Puts the Screws To John Murtha
Yep, that’s what’s happening. A meaningless debate and a meaningless vote to withdraw troops from Iraq immediately, Republicans hope to crucify Murtha, and scare contentious Democrats into silence once again. What a wonderful band of mad politicians!

I’ve got news for the Republican majority. Democrats want an exit strategy, a plan to withdraw troops that will leave a viable Iraq. This forced vote exposes the Republican Congress’ pathetic bullying character. I for one am disgusted!

Please E-mail me at
with comments.
(Note the new address. I am no longer at AOL.)
I do so like to have the opportunity to communicate with readers.

November 17, 2005

America and the Honest Truth
It seems that President Bush and Vice-President Cheney have finally (2 and 1/2 years late) admitted that their administration made a mistake concerning WMD in Iraq. Why not also admit that they lied to us concerning WMD and the alleged connection between Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. Don’t attack us as unpatriotic and dangerous to the well being of our troupes again! And, yes, a lot of Democratic Senators and Congressmen went along with the invasion of Iraq, as did 52% of the American people in the first place because all were fearful of being accused of unpatriotic behavior.

Your twisted rhetoric has been used against us for so long that this country is in danger of becoming a linguistic fascist state.

Sometimes the truth is ugly, and the truth is that the invasion was reprehensible! Yes, Saddam was killing citizens of Iraq, sometimes by the thousands. He even had members of his own family assassinated. That, however, was the internal state of affairs of a foreign nation, and a poor if not pathetic excuse for invasion. In actuality we invaded Iraq for OIL. And, we invaded Iraq to settle the score for Papa Bush. And, you know what, I’m tired of the press, TV and radio pussy footing around, and pretending that we were not lied to. “Oh, it was poor intelligence.” BS-BS-BS! It was the intelligence the Neo-con president and his administration wanted. So they got it!

This administration was so hell bent on war that they outed a CIA undercover agent (Valerie Plame) to retaliate against Joseph C. Wilson, Plame’s husband who was intent on uncovering the truth concerning the Iraq invasion. For more information go to Wickapedia, the free Encyclopedia. It is my humble opinion that the recent indictment of I. Lewis (Scooter) Libby doesn’t go anywhere near the heart of this administration’s Machiavellian manipulations. These go straight to the top, to Dick Cheney and George W. Bush. In fact, none of our armed service personnel should have been put in harms way. Thirty thousand Iraqis should not be dead! Over 2000 of America’s best and bravest should not be dead!

Peoples of the future will make the pronouncement that this president’s tenure marks the saddest moment in the history of the United States of America.

Shame on us!

Now Ruth Knows

My illustrious daughter stopped by for a visit today, and raised hell. It was during lunch of all times. Jim, and Peter and I had just seated ourselves in the Prickly Needle dining room when the dragon appeared and pulled a chair up to the table.

“Hello, gentlemen,” she said in her superior “I’m better than you voice.”

“Hey Ruth,” Jim said, as dismissively as he possibly could. Peter just sort of grunted.

“Beautiful fall weather we’re having, isn’t it,” she said.

“So,” I said, “what’s the problem, Ruth?”

“Now, Papa. There’s no problem. I simply want to talk to you about your planned trip to Florida.”

“There’s nothing to talk about. I’m going.”

“Of course you are. But you’ve pulled a great deal of money from several accounts, and Sam and I are worried about you taking all that money with you.”

“I’m not.”

“Not what?”

“Taking it with me.” Then what…”

“I’ve opened a new account, Ruth – that’s all – and I plan to use it should I decide to purchase property, or go into a more expensive retirement village, one with individual houses.”

“In Florida?”


“What with all the hurricanes destroying half the Gulf coast, and you want to move there?”

“No, I’m thinking about the Atlantic Coast.”

“Papa! Stop dissembling.”

And so it went, all within hearing of the BIG NEEDLE busy bodies. You could see people turning their hearing aids up, and leaning toward our table.

Katrina Relief

Donate money to the American Friends Service Committee for relief along the Gulf Coast. Long term help is necessary to return the poor to their parishes and repair the damage done to those neighborhoods that gave New Orleans it’s cuisine and culture. Soon, the Red Cross will move on to other crises. The Friends are much more likely to do good things for the unfortunate people of the region than anyone I can think of. They do not discriminate, and they will not proselytize while helping.

Please E-mail me at (note the change)
with comments. I do so like to have the opportunity to communicate with readers.

November 14, 2005

Financial Cost of the War in Iraq
According to the National Priorities Project, the war in Iraq (the war that was to be over in six months) has cost you and me over 219 trillion, 428 billion dollars. Of course, there's the ancillary rise in fuel costs as well, and the American death toll, which stands at two-thousand-sixty-six as of today.

Every time I see one of those “Support Our Troops” ribbons on a car bumper, I think, “yes, I support the troops, but not the jackass who sent them to Iraq based on a pack of lies in the first place.”

Tillie knows about my trip.

I told Tillie Herr, my next-door neighbor here at THE BIG NEEDLE, about my thrice-postponed trip to Florida. She asked if I would be giving up my apartment because she has a friend who wants to move here. I asked who the friend was, got the strangest look, and was told, “You don’t know him.” How’s that for friendship? You know what? I think this stranger is a boyfriend, or potential boyfriend. Since I’m gay, Tillie can’t wait to get rid of me and get this guy installed next door. Ah, well. I feel sorry for the guy - Tillie’s a cold Pennsylvania Dutch stick of a woman any way you look at her.

Another Wilma Image

My friend from South Florida has sent me another image of Wilma’s destruction in his area. It is directly below.


Katrina Relief

Donate money to the American Friends Service Committee for relief along the Gulf Coast. Long term help is necessary to return the poor to their parishes and repair the damage done to those neighborhoods that gave New Orleans it’s cuisine and culture. Soon, the Red Cross will move on to other crises. The Friends are much more likely to do good things for the unfortunate people of the region than anyone I can think of. They do not discriminate, and they will not proselytize while helping.

Please E-mail me at
with comments. I do so like to have the opportunity to communicate with readers.

Visit my homepage at AOL Hometown.

November 11, 2005

Renewable Energy Sources: "Set America Free" Doesn’t Do It
As I continue my inquiry into this technology that we Americans continue to neglect, I’ve discovered that there is questionable leadership at the national level. However, it isn’t coming from any branch of the Federal Government. Instead, there is an organization that believes as I do that our dependence on foreign oil threatens our freedom directly by fueling (literally and figuratively) the very terrorists who threaten our country. We have but 3% of the world’s oil supply, but import 60% of our oil needs. Bush’s energy bill increases our dependence on oil though it claims to do the opposite. See the article “Bush’s Energy Disaster” in

The group is, however, one of the mass of right wing organizations disguised as think tanks. On the surface it looks innocuous enough and downright encouraging to this liberal, left wing advocate for the environment. I began following the organizations links, and a distant alarm began to sound. Follow this link to Set America Free. Upon examining their Website I discovered that the umbrella organization seems to be the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, and it in turn is linked to the NATO Forum on Energy Security Technology. NATO is a military alliance, and the second group, Institute for the Analysis of Global Security is anything but a group interested in the greening of America and the World.

Additionally, at the top of the Set America Free list of individuals of importance to the organization is Gary L. Bauer, President of American Values. Mr. Bauer is an evangelical, right wing neo-con, part of the Council for National Policy and Project for the New American Century. In 2000 Mr. Bauer ran for president and his own campaign staff accused him of adultery. Indeed, half of his campaign staff left him because of the charges. I guess you could say he’s the kind of evangelical who feels that he is saved so he doesn’t have to worry about sinning.

So, I’m left with the following burning question. Who is actually interested in alternative energy sources, greening the planet and honestly freeing the entire world from oil dependence? I could use some real (honest) answers to that one.

The Economic Green Plan

Once again I include my “Economic Green Plan.” I have devised a four step plan to save our economy at the same time we save our planet from increased global warming and pollution. The umbrella factor in the plan is to stop spending SELECTIVELY because the economy registers consumer’s desires.


Katrina Relief

Donate money to the American Friends Service Committee for relief along the Gulf Coast. Long term help is necessary to return the poor to their parishes and repair the damage done to those neighborhoods that gave New Orleans it’s cuisine and culture. Soon, the Red Cross will move on to other crises. The Friends are much more likely to do good things for the unfortunate people of the region than anyone I can think of. They do not discriminate, and they will not proselytize while helping.

Please E-mail me at
with comments. I do so like to have the opportunity to communicate with readers.

Visit my homepage at AOL Hometown.

The National Debt Increases by a Whopping $3.48 Billion Dollars Per Day
Check it out at U.S. National Debt Clock. It would appear that the Bush administration has little or no concern about the problem. After all, the oil oligarchy and those persons associated with it continue to get richer. The citizens of the United States must take matters into their own hands, though I doubt most of us are able to focus long enough to do what is necessary. In hopes that I am wrong about the average American's ability to focus on the actual issues instead of the fog of devisive issues the current Republican administration has manufactured, I have devised a four step plan to save our economy at the same time we save our planet from increased global warming and pollution. The umbrella factor in the plan is to stop spending SELECTIVELY because the economy registers consumer’s desires. If you want our nation to invest in alternative energy sources and to stop invading foreign countries there are several things you can do. First, cut back on your energy consumption in general, and second, stop consuming so much oil. Third, don’t invest in companies that have anything to do with defense such as Halliburton, the Vice President’s little baby. Forth, we all must save our money. Every one of us with disposable income should be saving at least five percent of our income, preferably more in an attempt to offset the Federal government’s profligate spending. I will call these 4 items the Economic Green Plan.


I will not make any dire predictions here about the status of our nations economy. Plenty others are doing that. However, if enough of us begin to do the Economic Green Plan, we may, just may, be able to lesson or prevent the economic collapse that WILL otherwise come.

Katrina Relief

Donate money to the American Friends Service Committee for relief along the Gulf Coast. Long term help is necessary to return the poor to their parishes and repair the damage done to those neighborhoods that gave New Orleans it’s cuisine and culture. Soon, the Red Cross will move on to other crises. The Friends are much more likely to do good things for the unfortunate people of the region than anyone I can think of. They do not discriminate, and they will not proselytize while helping.

Please E-mail me at
with comments. I do so like to have the opportunity to communicate with readers.

Visit my homepage at AOL Hometown.

November 02, 2005

Why Do News Sources Paint Sam Alito as An Unknown
I don’t get it. Conservatives claim that our news media are too liberal. Instead, I read articles that bend over backwards to play conservatives, including Mr. Bush’s choice for the Supreme Court, Sam Alito as not being deleterious to our basic freedoms as citizens of the United States. Taken as a specific instance, Mr. Alito is extremely conservative. His own mother tells us that he is against abortion, and thus he will be likely to side against the 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade when deciding cases involving women’s right to an abortion. In the past he has decided against gays and lesbians and other minority groups at the Appellate level in striking down a New Jersey State College School District rule against harassment because a Christian Group of Students wanted to preach against homosexuals. I must ask the question. If a group of Christian students had wanted to preach against Latino people, Pacific rim peoples, or people of color, would Mr. Alito have also voted to strike the non harassment rule?

My Proposed Trip to Florida

A friend has sent a picture of Wilma’s destruction in South Florida. Wow! Do I want to live in Florida or any area prone to hurricanes? I’m not so sure.


Jim is Better, But…

I don’t think he will improve much more. Of course I haven’t told him that. I take him to therapy every other day. At first I saw a great deal of improvement, but lately I see little or no improvement from day to day. His speech is clear. He walks well, but he still has limited use of his left hand. He can hold light things with it, but he cannot lift anything that weighs over several ounces, and he has difficulty with fine motor control. For instance, yesterday he showed me that he can’t hold a letter opener in his left hand, insert it into an envelope flap and rip the envelope open.

Katrina Relief

Donate money to the American Friends Service Committee for relief along the Gulf Coast. Long term help is necessary to return the poor to their parishes and repair the damage done to those neighborhoods that gave New Orleans it’s cuisine and culture. Soon, the Red Cross will move on to other crises. The Friends are much more likely to do good things for the unfortunate people of the region than anyone I can think of. They do not discriminate, and they will not proselytize while helping.

Please E-mail me at
with comments. I do so like to have the opportunity to communicate with readers.

Visit my homepage at AOL Hometown.