Why Do News Sources Paint Sam Alito as An Unknown
I don’t get it. Conservatives claim that our news media are too liberal. Instead, I read articles that bend over backwards to play conservatives, including Mr. Bush’s choice for the Supreme Court, Sam Alito as not being deleterious to our basic freedoms as citizens of the United States. Taken as a specific instance, Mr. Alito is extremely conservative. His own mother tells us that he is against abortion, and thus he will be likely to side against the 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade when deciding cases involving women’s right to an abortion. In the past he has decided against gays and lesbians and other minority groups at the Appellate level in striking down a New Jersey State College School District rule against harassment because a Christian Group of Students wanted to preach against homosexuals. I must ask the question. If a group of Christian students had wanted to preach against Latino people, Pacific rim peoples, or people of color, would Mr. Alito have also voted to strike the non harassment rule?
A friend has sent a picture of Wilma’s destruction in South Florida. Wow! Do I want to live in Florida or any area prone to hurricanes? I’m not so sure.

I don’t think he will improve much more. Of course I haven’t told him that. I take him to therapy every other day. At first I saw a great deal of improvement, but lately I see little or no improvement from day to day. His speech is clear. He walks well, but he still has limited use of his left hand. He can hold light things with it, but he cannot lift anything that weighs over several ounces, and he has difficulty with fine motor control. For instance, yesterday he showed me that he can’t hold a letter opener in his left hand, insert it into an envelope flap and rip the envelope open.
Donate money to the American Friends Service Committee for relief along the Gulf Coast. Long term help is necessary to return the poor to their parishes and repair the damage done to those neighborhoods that gave New Orleans it’s cuisine and culture. Soon, the Red Cross will move on to other crises. The Friends are much more likely to do good things for the unfortunate people of the region than anyone I can think of. They do not discriminate, and they will not proselytize while helping.
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Visit my homepage at AOL Hometown.
My Proposed Trip to Florida
A friend has sent a picture of Wilma’s destruction in South Florida. Wow! Do I want to live in Florida or any area prone to hurricanes? I’m not so sure.

Jim is Better, But…
I don’t think he will improve much more. Of course I haven’t told him that. I take him to therapy every other day. At first I saw a great deal of improvement, but lately I see little or no improvement from day to day. His speech is clear. He walks well, but he still has limited use of his left hand. He can hold light things with it, but he cannot lift anything that weighs over several ounces, and he has difficulty with fine motor control. For instance, yesterday he showed me that he can’t hold a letter opener in his left hand, insert it into an envelope flap and rip the envelope open.
Katrina Relief
Donate money to the American Friends Service Committee for relief along the Gulf Coast. Long term help is necessary to return the poor to their parishes and repair the damage done to those neighborhoods that gave New Orleans it’s cuisine and culture. Soon, the Red Cross will move on to other crises. The Friends are much more likely to do good things for the unfortunate people of the region than anyone I can think of. They do not discriminate, and they will not proselytize while helping.
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with comments. I do so like to have the opportunity to communicate with readers.Visit my homepage at AOL Hometown.
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