September 25, 2005

Anthony Gayton: a book review
I went to our Borders Book Store at Park City (the local monster mall) yesterday. While browsing through the photography section I came across Saints and Sinners a book of photographic works by Anthony Gayton.* Yes, that's his real name!

You can find Mr. Gayton’s work on line at Anthony Gayton, Photographer. I so enjoyed the idealized narratives and images that he processes through his unique vision of particular locations in time and space. I suppose that if I were discussing Mr. Gayton’s work from a pre postmodern position, I might say that he creates his work using an understanding and pastiche of the zeitgeist as it was in the 1950’s, 70’s and 80’s. Gayton has taken many years to develop his theme/s to a high pitch of perfection, and I’m envious because he can afford financially (after those years of hard work) to have the studio and the models to create such luscious images. It’s enough to make me want to stop creating my own, poor images, which you can view at “Isaac’s Artworks,” linked on my sidebar. Gayton’s book is worth the purchase just to read the section titled “Original Sinner.” There he mythologizes the obtainment of the detached position that allows him to create these juicy narrative images and individual photographs of men.


∑ Gayton, Anthony, Saints and Sinners. Kempen: teNeues Verlag Gambh and Co., 2005.

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