October 30, 2005

Was I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby Sacrificed to Save Carl Rove?
It is my opinion that he was, though I doubt that I will be proven correct for many years. The Bush Administration has perfected a technological wonder, a Rube Goldberg contraption that creates lies and misinformation. I know that Mr. Rove is the pilot of the machine. Mr. Libby was the co-pilot, and as such was expendable. It is unfortunate that the flight plan for the United States of America has been entrusted to a band of cut-throat Neo-cons who have proposed a 23rd crusade against the Arab world at a time when we need to concentrate all our energy on economic issues instead of war. As a nation we must make changes in our flight plan that will allow us to compete with a rising third world in which economic success is based on inexpensive labor and alternative energy sources, not expensive oil.

My Florida Drawers are Full

Those two drawers that I talked about in my dresser are full. However, I will not make the trip until Power and water have been restored to South Florida. I can’t believe that we now have a hurricane Beta, and a third Greek Alphabet storm brewing. Perhaps I should go to Arizona instead of Florida. H-m-m-m-m-m!?!?

Katrina Relief

Many of the hotels in the Gulf States that were allowing flood victims to stay for free have now reneged on their promise to the Red Cross and FEMA. One flood victim was told, “We’re done doing the Katrina flood thing.” They are turning the homeless away. Raise your voice, and cry, “Foul!!!”

Donate money to the American Friends Service Committee for relief along the Gulf Coast. The Friends are much more likely to do good things for the unfortunate people of the region than anyone I can think of, and they will not proselytize while doing so.

Please E-mail me at
with comments. I do so like to have the opportunity to communicate with readers.

Visit my homepage at AOL Hometown.

October 23, 2005

Iraq has a constitution
However, Condoleezza says to expect more bombing, killing and mayhem. How can she accept that 39 of the 70 killed near Ramadi by USA warplanes and helicopters on Sunday, October 9th were civilians? Since the war began almost 20,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed. Most Americans casually accept that. If I say anything about these numbers to my friends here at Pine Needle Manor, I’m told - “It’s their own fault - They kill each other -” or some variation thereof. If I reply, “No, it’s our fault. We invaded Iraq and started this war.” I’m given a sad look, and dismissed as unpatriotic.

“Yes, Virginia, Lucifer is real. He exists in the hearts of men.”

Packing for Florida

I’ve set up two drawers in my dresser for my trip. I want to take just enough things to last two weeks with a change of clothes each day. That way I can do two loads of wash every two weeks while I’m away. Hopefully I’ll have to do wash just once, maybe two times. I’ve also taken out a new Florida bank account and a money market account that I can slowly move money into from other accounts, so Ruth won’t notice. I’ve sold 4 stocks and put the proceeds into the new money market account. So, if I find the right place, I can go ahead and buy it. I’ve checked out gay real estate agents on line at Gay Real Estate Agents.Com, and I have agents lined up in the Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and Palm Beach areas.


It’s going to happen!

Alpha the First

It has never come to pass in the entire history of hurricane forecasting. But then there has never been a hurricane season like this one. All the more reason for me to say nothing to Ruth about the upcoming trip to Florida. I don’t want to give my wonderful daughter more ammunition for her claim that I’ve lost my mind.

Katrina Relief

Many of the hotels in the Gulf States that were allowing flood victims to stay for free have now reneged on their promise to the Red Cross and FEMA. One flood victim was told, “We’re done doing the Katrina flood thing.” They are turning the homeless away. Raise your voice, and cry, “Foul!!!”

Donate money to the American Friends Service Committee for relief along the Gulf Coast. The Friends are much more likely to do good things for the unfortunate people of the region than anyone I can think of, and they will not proselytize while doing so.

Please E-mail me at
with comments. I do so like to have the opportunity to communicate with readers.

Visit my homepage at AOL Hometown.

October 16, 2005

Carl Rove in Court
Whether or not Carl Rove is indicted for exposing Valerie Plame as a CIA agent, it is a certainty that he was involved directly in her “outing.” The White House has stopped defending Rove, and an article, “Rove Makes 4th Grand Jury Appearance,” by A.P. writer Pete Yost makes it obvious that it is up to special council Patrick Fitzgerald to bring the indictment forward or close the investigation by October 28, 2005, the date the grand jury’s term expires. Fitzgerald is Republican so the possibility that the investigation might be terminated without closure is a possibility all be it remote since he has a reputation built on investigations of persons from both parties.

For a complete background on Carl Rove check Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.

I finally told Jim about my proposed trip to Florida.

Jim is doing better and better. He has regained partial use of his left hand and he works it daily using the exercises his therapist gave him. He can now grasp, lift and move small objects around, though he claims he has little strength there. He is pleased with himself, and I have been so encouraged that I finally told him about Florida. He said that he was pleased for me, and that if I found a place he would come visit during the depths of winter. Wow!

I'm just an old fart with a dream, but I think I'm still healthy enough to make it happen. Hopefully I will leave for Florida within two weeks. I am dreaming of exotic tropical flora and sparkling aqua waters.



Katrina Relief

Remember, it will take years to bring parts of the Gulf Coast back. And, NO, as some are so foolish to think, the answer is not to give up thousands of square miles to human habitation. Donate money to the American Friends Service Committee for relief along the Gulf Coast. The Friends are much more likely to do good things for the unfortunate people of the region than anyone I can think of, and they will not proselytize while doing so.

Please E-mail me at
with comments. I do so like to have the opportunity to communicate with readers.

Visit my homepage at AOL Hometown.

October 13, 2005

Weather: Global Warming as Fiction!
When is it going to clear up?

I worry about all the folks affected by the flooding here in the Northeast. It seems that our weather has gone haywire. Befor last week we had 1/4 inch of rain since August tenth. However, in some areas it has rained almost 24 inches in the past week. Additionally we’ve had the most unusual hurricane season in history. Katrina destroyed the city of New Orleans and a stretch of Gulf coast hundreds of miles long. The most recent storm, Vince hit Portugal and Spain.


However, as we know, President Bush does not believe in global warming, and some Neo-con think tanks claim they have scientific evidence to prove that it doesn’t exist. Instead, I offer the following scuttlebutt.

1. The neo-cons are still lying about it, but global warming not only exists but is inevitable
2. Climate Change Portal
3. Patrick Fitzgerald’s Weblog. This piece has excellent links to Neo-con articles and statements about them by both Neo-cons and liberals.

After reading the information and ideas at the above links I have come to the conclusion that the weather won’t clear for at least one hundred years.

Please E-mail me at
with comments. I do so like to have the opportunity to communicate with readers.

Visit my homepage at AOL Hometown.

October 10, 2005

USA May be the first nation to start a Nuclear Conflagration
A sixty-nine page Pentagon document that updates USA nuclear policy to reflect Mr. Bush’s Doctrine of Preemption describes the use of nuclear weapons on terrorists before they can use them on the United States. The document makes it clear that Mr. Bush, or whoever is president at the time must give the orders, first (Small comfort, that – especially since we don’t seem to be able to anticipate the terrorists actions, ever.). The document states that in our volatile situation “terrorists or regional states armed with WMD will likely test U>S. security commitments to its allies and friends.” And, “In response, the U. S. needs a range of capabilities to assure friend and foe alike of its resolve.”

The original document is dated March 15 and is 69 pages long. A complete copy of the document is located at GlobalSecurity.Org. Also, please read the Associated Press article dated Sunday, September 11, 2005 and titled U.S. Envisions Using Nukes on Terrorists.

Not leaving for Florida until next week

I can't get away. I'm taking Jim to his physical therapy every day, and I haven't told him about the trip - all this for my best straight buddy. Ah well!

Don't Forget Victims of Katrina!

As I have stated so often, I have personally donated money to the American Friends Service Committee for relief along the Gulf Coast. The Quakers are much more likely to do good things for the unfortunate people of the region than anyone I can think of, and they will not proselytize while doing so.

Please E-mail me at
with comments. I do so like to have the opportunity to communicate with readers.

Vsit my homepage at AOL Hometown.

October 03, 2005

I expect I will leave for Florida at the end of next week anyway. I have not told Ruth and I won’t until I’m on the road. I’ll call using my cell phone when I’m at least 500 miles away from The Huge Prick (Pine Needle Manor). I haven’t mentioned it to Jim either, because I know it will upset him. Besides, I’ll be back, even if I do purchase a condominium. I have to come back in order to make arrangements to sell my apartment at good old Prickly Needle, and to move and / or sell my furniture. I’m so excited at the prospect of this project that I’m about to jump out of my wrinkly and crinkled old skin.

Here is the type of house I will be looking for. It's the Ca d'Zan (House of John, John Ringling that is) in Sarasota, Florida. Oh yeah!


Katrina Relief

Remember, it will take years to bring parts of the Gulf Coast back. And, NO, as some are so foolish to think, the answer is not to give up thousands of square miles to human habitation. Donate money to the American Friends Service Committee for relief along the Gulf Coast. The Friends are much more likely to do good things for the unfortunate people of the region than anyone I can think of, and they will not proselytize while doing so.

Please E-mail me at
with comments. I do so like to have the opportunity to communicate with readers.

Visit my homepage at AOL Hometown.