April 29, 2005

Tom DeLay Had Hands On Political Donations
*Read the article in Newsday.com, DeLay Fundraising Plied Special Interests. Or, you might try Dancing DeLay, in The Christian Science Monitor. How about this article in the Chicago Sun Timesby Lynn Sweet. It’s looking more and more as though the Republican Party should throw the House Majority Leader to the dogs. And yes, I’m saying that because I’m a Democrat. However, if you read this article from the Houston Chronicle, by Chris Hines, it would appear that DeLay won’t be punished any time soon. Are the Republicans giving in on ethics issue? Back to the old rules and threats to out Democrats who have supposedly done the same dirty deeds as DeLay. And, it would appear that Republicans in the media still believe Delay to be innocent of all charges. See the Article in U.S.A. Today.


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April 27, 2005

Adam's Call

True to his promise, Samuel (my son-in-law) spoke with my grandson, Adam about my blog. If you recall, on the tenth and fifteenth of this month I had reported Samuel’s visit to THE BIG NEEDLE in which he expressed his deep dissatisfaction with the content of my blog, calling it pornographic. He was angry that Ruth’s church group had discovered the blog and was making her life miserable. In fact he felt that both my artwork and Stephen Gulliver’s Straight World are pornographic, and said that it was embarrassing to have a man of my age making such filth. I tried to convince Samuel that semi-nude men are not pornographic, that fashion photography shows semi-nude men all the time. For example; Allamericanguys.com, or Pablo Vicente. To no avail, and as Adam is my favorite of the grandchildren, Samuel threatened to call him concerning the blog because he thought that might shame me into cleaning up the blog.

Instead, Adam called and said that he liked my blog and asked why I had not told him about it. He said that he is not finished sifting through it yet, but wondered if he might come and visit so that we can talk about it. He hinted that there was also another reason he wanted to make the visit, but would disclose nothing about it on the telephone.

We made arrangements for him to come this weekend and I can’t wait. If you recall, Adam is the one of my grand children who came to be with me for a few days last fall after my double hernia surgery. He saved me from my nosy daughter, Ruth. I was so thankful because I really was immobilized for about 4 days, and able to do very little for a week after that. Adam got me through the worst of it and then Pine Needle took over. My meals were brought to me and housekeeping did my cleaning and wash for 3 weeks after that. After a month I threw everyone out of my apartment and took over the whole kit and caboodle once again.

Adam will arrive Friday evening, around 7:00 P.M., because he will not finish at his middle school teaching position until 4:00 P.M., and he must drive here from Morristown, New Jersey. I’m so lucky to have a grandson who is willing to spend time with me. Most of my friends here at the “Prickly Needle” don’t get visits from family members very often. I complain because Ruth is in my hair (what little there is left of it) all the time. I guess I should be ashamed of myself.

Have a nice day everyone, and may God bless each and everyone.

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April 25, 2005

Dobson's & Perkin's Phon-a-thon
Fight Back!

Christian conservatives will call their Senators by the tens of thousands today to protest the Democratic Filibuster of George W. Bush's conservative nominees for the Supreme Court. This is the end of an almost two week long effort to paint Democrats as Christian haters.

From one liberal Christian to all of the others who I know are out there. Let's please make a few calls ourselves to counter this avalanche of extreme right Christian hate.

Senators, by state can be found at U.S. Senate: Senators Home. Congress members can be located by state atU.S. Congressman”Contacting the Congress.”

Write the Democratic National Committee and encourage an effort to take the lead from the Christian Right hate mongers and fight for our convictions. It's time to change perceptions in this country. The true Christians are those liberals who believe in an equal opportunity God instead of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, woman hating God of the Christian right.

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April 24, 2005

Justice Sunday Bites!
Justice Sunday!

It’s Justice Sunday, the day that Senator Frist and the Family Research Council will accuse all Democrats of being against people of faith. It may be a mistake for Frist to take part in this volatile mix of politics and religion. See Frist Initiative Creates Rift In GOP Base. I certainly hope so. The day will end with a Televised broadcast in which Frist will participate. The “Televangelical” broadcast will also accuse our Supreme Court of attacking Christianity. See American Prospect on Line.

This is getting way out of hand! I am a Christian. I have not been attacked by anybody except other Christians.

Have a marvelous day everyone, and may God bless us all including Senator Frist and the Family Research Council.

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April 21, 2005

Pope Benedict XVI...
appears to be a carbon copy of John Paul II.

1. He believes "homosexual acts go against the natural moral law." You cannot separate the act from the person, so by extension homosexuals are immoral.
2. He is against women. (Let's get it right. If the male sperm and the female egg are more important than the life of the mother, you cannot be for the mother who happens to be a woman.)
3. All religious practice other than Catholicism including that of the Christian evangelical is incorrect, and Buddhist practice is autoerotic.
4. He states that those of us who believe in a tolerant God who accepts various paths to him are part of the "dictatorship of relativism," an oxymoronic thought if ever there was one. The sad thing is that such idiocy is mistaken for wisdom in this retro-conservative Twenty-first century.

I can't wait for Pope-mania to go away. And that is all I have to say about the new Pope.

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April 20, 2005

Justice Sunday is New Propaganda of the Politically Corrupt
Whether Democrat or Republican, Ask Your Congressman and Senator Not To Support Justice Sunday.

Here is a Libertarian Party poster. I wish it was the Democrat's poster because it says what I want to say to these power hungry right wing Republican politicians.


Here is the message I have composed. I hope it is clear and precise.

I’m tired of being a punching bag for those politicians who claim that Democrats are against people of faith and can’t be Christian. I am a democrat, and I am Christian. I know Jesus Christ would be upset with the divisive politics of the time we live in. As a Democrat and a Christian, I am asking you not to support “Justice Sunday.” Those Senators and Congressmen who support and / or participate in it, are mixing politics and religion in a most unsavory manner.

Senators, by state can be found at U.S. Senate: Senators Home. Congress members can be located by state atU.S. Congressman”Contacting the Congress.”

* "home page," Libertarian Party: The party of Principle, http://www.lp.org/, visited Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 6:00 AM EDT.

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April 17, 2005

Frist, Delay, Family Research Council Won’t Allow Us to be Christian!

Democrats and Others Against the Presidents Judicial Nominations Can't Be Christian!

I resent these dictators of faith! How dare they?

And, I'm not the only one. Check out The Moderate Voice

Who is Persecuting Whom?

On April 24th Frist, Delay, The Family Research Council, and others are planning “Justice Sunday,” and a national TV broadcast that will portray Democrats as “against people of faith.” I have news for Senators Frist and Delay, and the Family Research Council.* I am a person of faith, and I am a Democrat. I am not against people of faith. I am the Christian who is being persecuted here.


Stop mixing politics with religion! No Democrat is out to get people of faith. Instead, extremely political people are out to get one another, and certain right of right scheming, dare I say "dishonest," politicians are out to use extremely conservative Christians to eliminate liberal Christians like myself from the political process. Additionally, through this effort and others, Frist "et al" wish to exclude some religious/spiritual and sexual minorities from the American dream of freedom and justice for all. It is the greatest effort of its kind since Jim Crow in which African Americans were segregated physically in public life from all other racial and ethnic populations.

It is time for evangelicals to wake up from dreams of an evangelical Christian America. Observe how you are being used by these power hungry politicians.

Stand up for Your Beliefs

We, Republican and Democrat alike who think similarly on this issue, must take a stand against Democrat and Liberal Christian bashing because it is designed to garner more power for these politicians. And, in particular, it is designed to protect Senator Delay, and perhaps others, from damage accrued due to unlawful activities. Democrats, contact the Democratic National Committee in the fight against "the dictators of faith". Republicans and Democrats who believe in equality for all, it is time to write your congressmen, senators, and the president to state your position. Senators, by state can be found at U.S. Senate: Senators Home. Congress members can be located by state atU.S. Congressman”Contacting the Congress.” In order to contact the President, go to Contacting The Whitehouse,” at The White House, President George W. Bush.

* Kirkpatrick D., David,“Frist Set to Join Religious Effort on Judicial Issue, Taking Aim at Democrats,” The New York Times, vol. CLIV….No. 53,185 (Friday, April 15, 2005).

* “Freedom for all Flashing Pin,” inlightens.com,http://www.inlightens.com/ProductCart/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=271, copyright © 2005, visited Friday, April 15, 2005, 10:35 AM EDT.

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April 15, 2005

Trouble in Paradise Continued
“Not you too!”

“Isaac. You don’t understand. Some of Ruth’s friends are making her life miserable.”

“Then they aren’t her friends.”

“Her Bible group has been exceptionally rude.”

“That’s the problem with Christianity today. Everyone is “holier than thou.’ Ruth should just quit them.”

“That isn’t going to happen, Isaac. You know how much Ruth depends on her church and her faith.”

“Yes, for all the answers. She has become a non-thinking adult.

“Isaac, listen to me. You’re 85 years old for Christ sake – and you’re making pornographic pictures of young men.

“The images are not pornographic, and the young men are adults. I’ve obtained each individual’s permission to cut and paste pieces of his photographs into my photographic montages.

“But how did you even get these photographs. Never mind. I don’t want to know. I do know that some of the episodes you invent about this Stephen Gulliver fellow are obscene!

I invent nothing. I simply report what is happening in an alternate reality.”

You are not reporting in Stephen Gulliver. You are creating anti-USA pornographic fiction. If you don’t care about Ruth, think of the rest of the family; Joseph, and Abraham, all your grandchildren.”

“How is my blog going to effect any of them?”

“I know that if any of your grandchildren goes into politics your blog could be used against them. So, if you don't care about Ruth's feelings, at least think about the grandchildren.

"But I do care about Ruth.”

“You have a funny way of showing it.”

“Ruth and the professor stole my ‘Sanctuary.’ She and I have been arguing for years. Besides, Ruth would die of boredom if I suddenly turned into a docile old fart.

“Isaac. I know how you dote on Adam. He’s your favorite grandson. So, if you don’t fix the damn blog, I’ll have him look at it. Perhaps he will be able to talk some sense into your damn fool head.”

“Sam. I think you should leave now.”

“Okay. I’m going, but I want you to understand that I’m acting independently. Ruth has no idea that I’m here. I’m personally concerned about this because it makes you look like a foolish old man, and that’s not how I like to think of you, Isaac.”

“Thanks so much,” I said acerbically.

“Reflect on your behavior, and get rid of that pornographic serial, and those damn pictures.” He left closing the door quietly behind him, and for the first time, I found myself feeling imprudent for having put those Photoshop montages in my blog. I suppose I should have thought about the fact that our culture has regressed to a new type of dark ages where people aren’t supposed to think for themselves. Instead we follow Carl Rove’s Republican and evangelical notion of political, personal, and spiritual correctness for the masses. However, I doubt the powers that be in this presidential administration, congress, or senate hold themselves to that same level of positional suitability as it were. I also know that anything I do or say can bring retribution to any of my friends and / or family members at any point in the future, because our society is immersed in a culture of psychobabble in which each and every one of us is taken to be guilty by association and proof be damned.

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April 11, 2005

Trouble in Paradise
It’s over a week since April fool’s day. It doesn’t matter because I feel at times as though I’m a fool every day. It seems I’ve been a very bad Dad. Yes, I’m feeling terribly guilty, and sorry for myself today. Let me explain.

Samuel, Ruth’s husband came to the BIG NEEDLE for a visit yesterday afternoon. He found me in the lounge arguing with my cronies, Jim and Peter. Our perennial argument is about President Bush. They’re for him. I’m against him, and I don’t understand how any sane person can be for him. But, then, I'm in the minority around here, and a small one at that.

“He wants to take away our social security,” I said.

“He isn’t going to touch our social security. All he wants to do is give young folks the opportunity to put some of their social security into private accounts.

“You think ten years from now all those young folks in this country who have lost part of their social security to failing private accounts are going to let us old folks keep our 100% social security?”

“Yes, I do. But it doesn’t matter because I won’t be here anyway.”

“Yeah, right. Who cares, we’ll all be dead,” I said sarcastically as Mrs. Herr, the Assistant Administrator approached with Samuel in tow.

“Gentlemen, gentlemen, please. You’ve become quite loud. Isaac, you have a visitor.”

“I see. Hi Sam.” I introduced him to Peter and Jim. “So what brings you all the way cross county to the Big Needle?”

“Just a social call, Isaac.”

“Everyone’s Okay, Ruth, the children?”

“Yes, everyone is fine. You’ve probably heard more recently from Abe and Joseph than we have.”

“Not a thing, but I did talk to Adam for an hour the other day. You know how the kids are with these cell phones. He’s got to use all those minutes.”

“Isaac, there is something I think we need to discuss in private.”

“I thought so. Gentlemen, if you’ll excuse us.” I led the way to my apartment, which is about a quarter mile walk from the central lounge. I walked as fast as I could through several zigzag turns in the long windowless corridors of state regulation width. They’re wide enough to fit a hospital bed – though why, I don’t know, since I’m in the independent living part of the Prickly Needle complex. Pine Needle is a complete retirement community and includes Assisted Living A and B wings, independent living wings A through E, and the Nursing complex I facetiously refer to as “The Morgue.”

“What’s your hurry Isaac?”

“Just trying to wear you out, Sam.”

“You’ll have a heart attack.”

“I doubt it. I go to the health club 3 to 4 times a week and do stair climbing as well as light weights for 45 minutes to an hour. Probably get more exercise in a week than you do in a month.”

“More like a year.”

“Well, we’re here,” I said as I unlocked the door. “You haven’t seen my apartment have you, Sam?”

“Oh, come on! It isn’t that bad, Isaac. I was here during the Christmas holiday.”

“That’s right,” I said pretending to have forgotten. “I recall now. You came to pick me up for Christmas Eve candlelight services. Have a seat.” I motioned toward my over-stuffed chair by the picture window. It looks out onto manicured grassy lawns planted with rows of blue spruce and pin oak that break the view of wing after wing of the Big Needle as the complex marches up the low sloping hill toward the apartment complex I have christened ‘Single Divorced Mom Manor.’ “Can I get you something to drink? I’ve got some scotch, orange juice, and diet caffeine free Coke.

“No thanks.”

“So, out with it then.”

“I don’t know how to broach the subject exactly, Isaac.”

“Just say it, Sam.”

“Isaac. You’ve got to clean up that pornographic blog of yours.”

(To be continued)

*Our farm, "Orchard Hill," is located near Paradise, Pennsylvania Samuel and Ruth live there.

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April 07, 2005

Portrait of John Paul II
Pope John Paul II in Repose

I finished work on the Andy Warhol style portrait of Pope John Paul II this afternoon, and was astonished by the sense of peaceful contentment that settled over me. It was a surprise as I feel only agitation at the frenzy that has surrounded his death. Because of having done the work, I will be able to view the spectacle of the funeral tomorrow with a sense of release into joy rather than relief from entrapment.

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April 04, 2005

Pope John Paul II is Dead and…

Pope John Paul II, oil on canvas by Edward Bialek*

He lays in state as I write. However, I can’t get overwrought, as everyone else seems to be. There are three reasons.

1. He was against abortion, and therefore against women. Being for life is meaningless, unless the parents, the society they live in, and the church they belong to plan to take care of the child until he / she is grown.
2. He was against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered people. One cannot separate a person and his / her acts, sexual or otherwise.
3. The President and evangelical Republicans (Carl Rove) will seize upon the Pope’s death to further their anti abortion, anti woman, anti GLBT agenda.

The pundits are on a spree. According to some, this may have been the greatest pope in history, according to most; he was certainly one of the 3 most important popes.

I have three things to say about the pundits “punditing.”

1. John Paul was a great and an important man before he became The Pope.
2. The College of Cardinals elected him Pope. He therefore became more important than he otherwise would have been.
3. I know Pope John Paul II is with God, and that is what matters.

History will decide the rest.

*Bialek, Edward, “Portrait of Pope John Paul II,” Prometheus: Internet Bulletin for News, Arts, Politics, and Science. Zavril, John B., Number 89, , Fall 2003, viewed Sunday, April 3, 2005, 10:05 PM EDT.

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April 01, 2005

Tom Delay’s Cover
House Majority Leader Shuts Down Court System

And that is no April Fool’s joke. That is what the king of corruption and ethics abuse wants to do in order to draw attention away from himself. Mr. Delay sees himself as the natural leader of the evangelical Republican move to take down the nation's court system. He will seize upon the death of Terri Schiavo as the reason to do so, claiming that she was not given due process. Current polls show that eighty percent of the American people think that 16 years of due process for Mrs. Schiavo in a brain dead state was a personal and a family tragedy and that congress should not have interfered in her case at all. However, watch our marvelous public as they turn and follow the pied piper of scandal in the opposite direction.


Will the Democratic Party sit on its ass (pun intended) and watch? You better believe it.

What a nightmare!

So, it’s time to put my money where my mouth is and start writing Howard Dean. However, I won’t give the Democratic Campaign Committee any more money if they don’t stand up and fight against The Majority Leader and his evangelical Republicans like mad dogs.

*Donkey image acquired from “La Petite Tica, Gifts for Baby and You.” http://www.petitetica.com/ele_donkey.asp, Visited Thursday, March 31, 2005, 11:03 PM EST.

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