Orlan: Part II
So, there is this fabulous lady from France whose values are not faith based, but make American values as demonstrated in “reality TV” look like the devil’s own. I can’t help but ask myself if most Americans take the time to look in the mirror, and if they do, what do they see in the reflection? I know that Orlan sees an image that is reflective of her inner thoughts, that portrays the real Orlan. I know that when I look in the mirror, I see the foil man I’ve played for decades, a creature that is just as reflective as the mirror. He does not exist, but at the same time, he reflects the values of the culture in which we live; shiny glitz, and all surface. So, in a way I am the opposite of Orlan, a Lacanian vacuum, demonstrating the emptiness of the culture in which I live. And, that emptiness includes the false morality of the evangelical Christians, for theirs is all surface too, a tricky Rube Goldberg contraption made up of shiny mirrors reflecting their own fears, hate, and prejudice. It says nothing about the life of Christ, and his deep-seated hope that we should all learn to love one another.
But, more of mirrors, faith, fear, and hate another day.
I’ve decided to head south for Christmas.
I’m calling Ruth today to tell her I won’t be coming to dinner on Christmas Day. She will throw a fit. Too bad!
My hernia is healing well. I am completely ambulatory, and I want to be some place warm for Christmas. I’m leaving tomorrow morning, dear Journal, so I won’t be writing until I get back. However, I am going to try to get to one of those computer cafe’s so I can get at least one entry up while I’m away.
Wish me luck! Merry Christmas! Reminds me - have you listened to all this hogwash about how Democrats and Republicans wish one another a “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holiday.” Damn! I hope all these pundits and idiots can get over it soon.
If you are Christian, you wish one another “Merry Christmas” I don’t care if you are Republican, Democrat, Catholic, evangelical, or liberal Christian. If you are talking to a person of another faith, you wish them a “Happy Holiday.” It’s a matter of etiquette, not politics.
Any way, have a Merry One, everybody!
* “www.stanford.edu/class/history204i/Orlan/Orlan2.html,” Stanford University Web Site, “Object not Found, Sat Dec 18 07:59:46 2004
Apache. From Jeremy Drummond, http://www.digibodies.org/online/orlan.htm, Saturday, December 18, 2004, 11:04 AM EST.
* Animation Factory, royalty free graphics to members, http://www.animationfactory.com/brain/search.cgi?n=new&area=animations, Thursday, December 23, 2004, 6:12 AM EST
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