June 23, 2007

Ethics and Religious Virtue

The news media are not talking about the obvious dichotomy that exposes the folly in the Bush administration’s policies. So, upon my return to South Florida, I am!

Constantly reading that stem cell research is an ethical as well as a political issue, and that Mr. Bush vetoed stem cell research because of his religious and ethical convictions, I am totally mystified!* Our evangelical president will not kill a single embryonic cell, but he will authorize the deaths of thousands of American service personnel and tens of thousands of Iraqis in a foreign invasion he undertook for personal reasons that has since destabilized the entire Middle-east. There is no logic, no religious or ethical virtue to that dichotomy.

I have dealt with this and related ethical and Christian religious issues in a more logical and thorough manner in the past. See my entries for April 26, 2007, February 24, 2007, and February 20, 2007.

*Riechman, Deb, “Bush to Veto Stem Cell Bill Today.” AP in Comcast.news, http://www.comcast.net/news/index.jsp?cat
=GENERAL&fn=/2007/06/20/694377.html&cvqh=itn_bush, 10:00 AM EDT, Wednesday, June 20, 2007. Viewed 10:46 AM EDT.

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