Nothing New From Bush Yesterday - Again!
So he acknowledged making mistakes. We know the war of choice against a country that had no ties to the terrorists in 2003 was a mistake. We know that increased dependency on foreign oil is a mistake. We know that ignoring green energy sources is a mistake. We know that denial of global warming is a mistake. We know that spying on ordinary American citizens is a mistake. However, George Washington Bush remains clueless as do his supporters. Additionally, G. W. has not even hinted that his administration has begun to formulate a strategy to leave Iraq with a strong and functional democratic government in place. See my entry for September first, for some ideas.
Have you seen the new “Jib Jab” cartoon 2-0-5 George Bush’s Year in Review!? If not go to Jib Jab and take a look.
I’m declared mentally competent. I’m packing like a madman, and I won’t be home for Christmas. Ruth will have a conniption, and I don’t care. If she wants to spend the holiday with me, she will just have to travel to South Florida. I’ve got all the money I need moved to a new account. I sold stocks and bonds, closed my savings account, cashed in an old annuity, and I had my gold pieces shipped to a Fort Lauderdale bank. I’ll move them if I don’t settle in “Fort La-de-da,” as my friend Myrtle calls it. If this makes me sound like a terribly rich man, I’m not. I’ve just enough money to purchase a small condominium and furnish it. Then I’ll have to scrape the bottom of the barrel in order to keep me in food and gas. However, I figure that’s what a lot of people are doing these days.
I’ve checked “Gay South Florida” on line. Those were the words I typed into Google, and I got a huge list of sites, including one for Compass Inc. in West Palm Beach. It’s the largest LGBT center in South Florida, so I’ve definitely extended my search for my new living quarters to include the Palm Beaches. I’ve keept my apartment here at THE BIG NEEDLE, which is driving my next door neighbor Tillie Herr mad. She has a beau she wants to move in here. No use cutting bridges, right? I’ll take that one out when and if I don’t need it anymore.
It’s been horrendously cold here until just the last few days. The other night it was 14 degrees Fahrenheit. For several days it never got above freezing. It was more like January than December. We’ve had a couple of dustings of snow, and two weekw ago Friday we had six inches of snow. I’m on my way out of here!

I’m Dreaming of Florida Again!
Friends Service Committee and Habitat for Humanity
American Friends Service Committee is one of the best, if not the best organization for relief along the Gulf Coast. Long term help is necessary to return the poor to their parishes along the Gulf Coast, and repair the damage done to those neighborhoods that gave New Orleans it’s cuisine and culture. Soon, the Red Cross and other emergency organizations will move on to new crises. The Friends are much more likely to do good things for the unfortunate people of the region than anyone I can think of. They do not discriminate, and they will not proselytize while helping those who wish to reestablish themselves. Also, think about donating money and/or your own time and skills to Habitat for humanity. That organization will be called on to help the poor rebuild their homes, I’m sure.
*AFSC Logo, American Friends Service Committee home Page,, site licensed under a creative commons license. viewed Wed., November 30, 2005.
Please E-mail me at
Have you seen the new “Jib Jab” cartoon 2-0-5 George Bush’s Year in Review!? If not go to Jib Jab and take a look.
The doctor says I’m Good to go!
I’m declared mentally competent. I’m packing like a madman, and I won’t be home for Christmas. Ruth will have a conniption, and I don’t care. If she wants to spend the holiday with me, she will just have to travel to South Florida. I’ve got all the money I need moved to a new account. I sold stocks and bonds, closed my savings account, cashed in an old annuity, and I had my gold pieces shipped to a Fort Lauderdale bank. I’ll move them if I don’t settle in “Fort La-de-da,” as my friend Myrtle calls it. If this makes me sound like a terribly rich man, I’m not. I’ve just enough money to purchase a small condominium and furnish it. Then I’ll have to scrape the bottom of the barrel in order to keep me in food and gas. However, I figure that’s what a lot of people are doing these days.
I’ve checked “Gay South Florida” on line. Those were the words I typed into Google, and I got a huge list of sites, including one for Compass Inc. in West Palm Beach. It’s the largest LGBT center in South Florida, so I’ve definitely extended my search for my new living quarters to include the Palm Beaches. I’ve keept my apartment here at THE BIG NEEDLE, which is driving my next door neighbor Tillie Herr mad. She has a beau she wants to move in here. No use cutting bridges, right? I’ll take that one out when and if I don’t need it anymore.
It’s been horrendously cold here until just the last few days. The other night it was 14 degrees Fahrenheit. For several days it never got above freezing. It was more like January than December. We’ve had a couple of dustings of snow, and two weekw ago Friday we had six inches of snow. I’m on my way out of here!
Goodbye Pine Needle Manor! Goodbye Lancaster County!

I’m Dreaming of Florida Again!
Friends Service Committee and Habitat for Humanity

American Friends Service Committee is one of the best, if not the best organization for relief along the Gulf Coast. Long term help is necessary to return the poor to their parishes along the Gulf Coast, and repair the damage done to those neighborhoods that gave New Orleans it’s cuisine and culture. Soon, the Red Cross and other emergency organizations will move on to new crises. The Friends are much more likely to do good things for the unfortunate people of the region than anyone I can think of. They do not discriminate, and they will not proselytize while helping those who wish to reestablish themselves. Also, think about donating money and/or your own time and skills to Habitat for humanity. That organization will be called on to help the poor rebuild their homes, I’m sure.
*AFSC Logo, American Friends Service Committee home Page,, site licensed under a creative commons license. viewed Wed., November 30, 2005.
Please E-mail me at
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