ISAAC STOLZFUTS’ JOURNAL: A Blog about Art, Gay Male Sexuality, Culture, and Politics: Part VII

I, Isaac Stolzfuts embody several competing diversities. I am a Pennsylvania Dutch Amish man who has left the order, and I am a gay man who is also a senior citizen. Additionally, I functioned for many years as a heterosexual male in the larger culture. As I investigate psychological aspects of sexualities, related gender issues, Women’s Studies, Gay and Lesbian Studies, Queer Studies, Anthropological Issues related to my various sub-cultural groups, I have found that I am integrating a more complete understanding of gay male sexuality specifically and human sexuality generally with my personhood. That, in turn, has allowed me to take a more critical position concerning my personal political and social ideology, to the point of going beyond a standard critical analysis of sexual identity. This has in turn forced me to examine theories about sexuality critically with the idea that it is necessary to frame a new more complete idea about human sexuality. I have developed an image that helps me to frame my theory of human sexuality, "The “Three Dimensional Paradigm of Human Sexuality” discussed earlier in this paper.
Additionally, examining other gay men’s blogs has shown me that my own expectations are not in line with those of most gay male bloggers. As demonstrated below, slightly less than one third of those bloggers in my sample looked at their lives with the intent of taking an intellectual position concerning individual psychological, sexual, religious/spiritual, philosophical, and/or social identity. And none that I have so far discovered take a meta-critical position in order to move beyond the standard cultural understandings about sexuality, specifically the heterosexual versus homosexual dichotomy. However, my statistics show that if a gay man describes the daily events of his own life in some detail, it is more likely that he will also describe events in the larger culture as well (Fourteen of twenty did so.). Additionally, if a gay blogger describes his life and larger events related to it he most likely will take an intellectual position concerning his life, sexuality, and / or politics (Eleven of fourteen men did so).
Perhaps the most successful blogs as measured by numbers of hits (viewer visits), a small minority, less than 10 percent are most interested in reporting about a gay life style that we recognize today as commodified. These blogs are concerned with manipulating those aspects of life (including the human body) toward a concept of perfection that are most easily controlled in a society that is based on the production of material goods.
All of these virtual journals, some actual, and some (probably) fictitious, provide fascinating details about the personal lives of gay men during the first decade of the twenty-first century. Those I examined certainly displayed a sense of anger and betrayal at the hands of the current United States government both Federal and state. Additionally, many demonstrated an overwhelming feeling of victimization, whether by a destructive partner, or at the hands of institutions such as the evangelical Christian, and Catholic churches.
By extension lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and heterosexual blogs will offer examples of individual joys and trials specific to their identities. Additionally, individuals whose variations on sexual identity may not be recognized by the larger culture today may themselves provide examples that further demonstrate the three-dimensional nature of human sexuality. It is certain that the Internet is maturing as an interactive medium of communication. Coincidentally, major world cultures, including the Western are going through key changes as various sexual identities compete for inclusion in the renovation of the Western paradigm of human sexuality. The “blog” will play an increasing role in that renovation through the sheer number of individual testimonies to various sexual identities, and these will continue to grow at an exponential rate.
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