President Bush Kissing Babies

In the news yesterday was a new slant on politicians kissing babies. I saw articles with photographs of the President kissing babies created from stem cells. His kissing act was in direct opposition to the Congress' proposed bill to allow stem cell research. See "Proposed Stem Cell Bill Divides Republicans. President Bush's behavior would be real if he weren't the cause of over 20,000 deaths of men, women and children in Iraq. Not to mention that this president is directly responsible for the deaths of over sixteen hundred American personnel in Iraq. Go to antiwar.comfor exact numbers.
I don’t know how evangelical Christians are able to rationalize this dichotomy and square it with the teaching of Jesus Christ.
*"New poster, FFOL update, new essay, CrimethInc. en español, video for Europe, etc." January 1, 2003. viewed Wed 11:32 PM. EDT.
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