December 22, 2005

Support for Older LGBT People

It has occurred to me that I need to worry about structures that may or may not be in place to support older lesbian, gay, and bisexual persons as I pack my bags for South Florida. I suspect that there are organizations that support LGBT people in general, but what specifically is being done to support senior LGBT people? So, I’ve spent some time looking for and reading the literature in scholarly magazines (medical, psychological, and health journals) at the library at Franklin and Marshall College, a world-class facility I might add. A major concern among health practitioners concerning the elderly LGB population is the fact that we were raised in an era when our sexual orientation was totally stigmatized.

Being a member of a minority group(s) that is not recognized as a legitimate minority deserving equal constitutional protection (on the federal level and by most states) leads to marginalization, discrimination and violence that directly impact on physical and mental health (DiPlacido, 1998). Additionally, this unrecognized minority group status communicates to LGB individuals that they do not have a “goodness of fit” with their environment, and it underscores the point that they are oppressed and disempowered, which threatens their mental health and social well-being.

While I seem to have adjusted quite well to such marginalization, at least during my old age, if not so well during my youth and early to middle adult years, I am bound to have health issues during the course of the next several years. After all, I am 86 years old. So, as part of the anticipated exploratory trip to Southeast Florida, I am looking on line for LGBT support groups. I’ve identified one particularly successful group in West Palm Beach named Compass. It is the largest organization in Southeast Florida. However, though I found support within the organization for those with HIV- AIDS, I could find no organization or group within compass listed that is designed to support senior LGBT people other than those with HIV-AIDS. I have a feeling that this might be the case almost anywhere in the United States, though I would have expected such a large organization to do a better job.

Ah well. I guess I’m just being a fussy old gay fart.

Perhaps I should start my own support group!

I have sent an e-mail to Compass in West Palm Beach because I intend to do volunteer work if I settle in that area.

*Hinchcliffe, Rob. Londonist. Gothamist, May 24, 2005. Viewed Thursday, December 22, 2005.

*Grossman, Arnold. Physical and Mental Health of Older Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adults. Department of Applied Psychology, The Steinhardt School of Education,
New York University (2005).

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(Note the new address. I am no longer at AOL.)
. Note that I have removed "Comments," as unscrupulous persons were using that part of the “blog” to advertise their products and services. If you have legitimate comments, I hope you will communicate these directly to me.

December 19, 2005

Nothing New From Bush Yesterday - Again!
So he acknowledged making mistakes. We know the war of choice against a country that had no ties to the terrorists in 2003 was a mistake. We know that increased dependency on foreign oil is a mistake. We know that ignoring green energy sources is a mistake. We know that denial of global warming is a mistake. We know that spying on ordinary American citizens is a mistake. However, George Washington Bush remains clueless as do his supporters. Additionally, G. W. has not even hinted that his administration has begun to formulate a strategy to leave Iraq with a strong and functional democratic government in place. See my entry for September first, for some ideas.

Have you seen the new “Jib Jab” cartoon 2-0-5 George Bush’s Year in Review!? If not go to Jib Jab and take a look.

The doctor says I’m Good to go!

I’m declared mentally competent. I’m packing like a madman, and I won’t be home for Christmas. Ruth will have a conniption, and I don’t care. If she wants to spend the holiday with me, she will just have to travel to South Florida. I’ve got all the money I need moved to a new account. I sold stocks and bonds, closed my savings account, cashed in an old annuity, and I had my gold pieces shipped to a Fort Lauderdale bank. I’ll move them if I don’t settle in “Fort La-de-da,” as my friend Myrtle calls it. If this makes me sound like a terribly rich man, I’m not. I’ve just enough money to purchase a small condominium and furnish it. Then I’ll have to scrape the bottom of the barrel in order to keep me in food and gas. However, I figure that’s what a lot of people are doing these days.

I’ve checked “Gay South Florida” on line. Those were the words I typed into Google, and I got a huge list of sites, including one for Compass Inc. in West Palm Beach. It’s the largest LGBT center in South Florida, so I’ve definitely extended my search for my new living quarters to include the Palm Beaches. I’ve keept my apartment here at THE BIG NEEDLE, which is driving my next door neighbor Tillie Herr mad. She has a beau she wants to move in here. No use cutting bridges, right? I’ll take that one out when and if I don’t need it anymore.

It’s been horrendously cold here until just the last few days. The other night it was 14 degrees Fahrenheit. For several days it never got above freezing. It was more like January than December. We’ve had a couple of dustings of snow, and two weekw ago Friday we had six inches of snow. I’m on my way out of here!

Goodbye Pine Needle Manor! Goodbye Lancaster County!


I’m Dreaming of Florida Again!

Friends Service Committee and Habitat for Humanity


American Friends Service Committee is one of the best, if not the best organization for relief along the Gulf Coast. Long term help is necessary to return the poor to their parishes along the Gulf Coast, and repair the damage done to those neighborhoods that gave New Orleans it’s cuisine and culture. Soon, the Red Cross and other emergency organizations will move on to new crises. The Friends are much more likely to do good things for the unfortunate people of the region than anyone I can think of. They do not discriminate, and they will not proselytize while helping those who wish to reestablish themselves. Also, think about donating money and/or your own time and skills to Habitat for humanity. That organization will be called on to help the poor rebuild their homes, I’m sure.

*AFSC Logo, American Friends Service Committee home Page,, site licensed under a creative commons license. viewed Wed., November 30, 2005.

Please E-mail me at
with comments.
(Note the new address. I am no longer at AOL.)
. Note that I have removed "Comments," as unscrupulous persons were using that part of the “blog” to advertise their products and services. If you have legitimate comments, I hope you will communicate these directly to me.

December 16, 2005

Bush Administration eavesdrops on YOU?
1. Are you against the war in Iraq?
2. Do you know someone who is?
3. Have you e-mailed someone who is against the war in Iraq?
4. Have you spoken with that person on the telephone?


If so, your computer and your telephone may have been accessed by the National Security Administration. Read the complete article, “Update 4: NYT: Bush Authorized NSA to Spy on People.”*1

The same political party that saw a private, consentual act between two adults as immoral, in need of a national smear campaign, and grounds for impeachment of one president, has no problem with a president who lies to us, and spies on us. These folks have no moral scruples what-so-ever!

* “Republican Party Links,” Salem State Student Programs,, viewed 10:19 AM EST., Friday, December 16, 2005.

*1 Update 4: NYT: Bush Authorized NSA to Spy on People.”
Associated Press in, 12/16/05.36 AM. Viewed on line, Friday, December 16, 2005, 9:50 AM.

Please E-mail me at
with comments.
(Note the new address. I am no longer at AOL.)
. Note that I have removed "Comments," as unscrupulous persons were using that part of the “blog” to advertise their products and services. If you have legitimate comments, I hope you will communicate these directly to me.

December 14, 2005

Democratic Party Possesses the Moral High Ground
When I was reviewing my Journal from November of 2004, I found a comment that bears repeating.

… the Democratic Party, the party of diversity possesses the moral high ground. Additionally, I claim … ….that any Republican who believes in the former political and social values of that party must disassociate himself or herself from this neo-conservative Republican party dominated by “scapegoating” and by Calvinist religious values based in prejudice against women, people of color, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender peoples.


The statement is all the more important at the end of 2005, when it appears as though more of those who voted the Republican President, Congress, and Senate into power are becoming dissatisfied with the current state of the nation, though Mr. Bush’s popularity is once again rising, up to forty-two percent from its low of thirty-five percent. It would appear that forty-two percent of the American public seems to think that a war of choice is moral even though America is the direct and/or indirect cause of the deaths of 30,000 or more foreign citizens, two thirds of them women and children, as well as 2151 citizens of the United States. Forty-two percent of Americans think it is moral to demand that an unborn child live no matter the consequences to the mother, and without consideration for the child’s own future. Forty-two percent of Americans think it is moral to legislate discrimination against an entire class of American citizenry. Forty-two percent of the American public doesn’t seem to be able to connect the dots. Why not say it the way I see it - perhaps forty-two percent of the American public are foolish, ignorant, and / or prejudiced.

* Aaron M. Bernstein, “Where does the donkey come from?” The Liberal at Large,, June 1999, Saturday, November 13, 2004, 10:41 AM EST.

Please E-mail me at
with comments.
(Note the new address. I am no longer at AOL.)
. Note that I have removed "Comments," as unscrupulous persons were using that part of the “blog” to advertise their products and services. If you have legitimate comments, I hope you will communicate these directly to me.

December 11, 2005

Bicentennial Man: The Motion Picture
Bicentennial Foil Man

Last night I watched Bicentennial Man two times. Of course it is about prejudice, but when Andrew the robot stood before the "World Congress" and asked for the right to be HUMAN, I knew the movie was about me, and my people, lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and transgendered. You see, we live in a United States politically dominated by evangelical Christians, and a possible 28th Amendment to the constitution would limit marriage to heterosexuals, thus creating a separate class of citizen by law. In fact, it was only fourteen months ago, just before the last presidential election that I listened in amazement as the President of the United States said he was in favor of such an amendment.

Last night I realized that Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) people are the robots/androids of this society! We are expected to participate in the military as secret sexual beings. We are expected to use our extremely motivated and creative lives to support and build the nation, even as that nation fights to limit our freedom. In most states we are not allowed to adopt children (our own, or those that heterosexuals discard), nor are we allowed to marry our mates, pass on our estates to our partners and children, nor sit by our God given loved one, to hold his/her hand as she/he dies in a hospital, and I do believe that a life-long mate, whether heterosexual, homosexual, lesbian, bi-sexual, or transgendered is a gift from God.

I found myself in tears often while I watched Bicentennial Man, because Last night I realized that the Republican oil based oligarchy has the desire to create a country in which women, and LGBT peoples are second class citizens who are not quite human. We are entitled only to do the work necessary to keep the United States afloat while the heterosexual male citizenry squanders the greatness developed by our forefathers and foremothers during the past three centuries.

Last night this particular bicentenial man woke from his dream of “liberty for all” to face the nightmare reality of the twenty-first century, and the possibility of my own disenfranchisement.

Psychiatrist Appointment

I had my evaluation this past Friday, late in the morning. I drove myself to Harrisburg after the roads had been cleared of the six inch snowfall that fell during the early morning hours. I probably owe the psychiatrist several hundred dollars because I spent an hour and one half being grilled until smoke was coming out of my ears. If the stakes weren’t so high, it might have been fun. As it was, I have been making conjecture concerning the (not so well hidden) agenda behind each question. For instance, the first was…

“Who is the president of the United States?”

And my answer, “George W. Bush, damn it!”

About an hour into the evaluation the psychiatrist gave me a series of 5 numbers, and asked me to repeat them. Then, he said…

“Please repeat this series of 5 numbers in reverse, Isaac, 2 – 4 – 1 – 4 – 3.”

I just barely managed, “3 – 4- 1 –4 – 2.” I’ve been wondering ever since if I’ve suffered some chronic brain damage, and I’ve been practicing. I made a bunch of 3 x 5 cards with series of 5 numbers on them, and I grab one or more at odd times of the day and test myself. I figure I can train new pathways around the damage.

My family physician will receive the results of the evaluation within ten days. After I have my appointment with him, I will be free to head for Florida, I hope. Keep your fingers crossed, dear journal. Yes, well you don’t have fingers. So, they’re imaginary fingers. There is so much imagination in my life that a bit more won’t hurt.

Friends Service Committee and Habitat for Humanity


I’m still plugging American Friends Service Committee for relief along the Gulf Coast. Long term help is necessary to return the poor to their parishes along the Gulf Coast, and repair the damage done to those neighborhoods that gave New Orleans it’s cuisine and culture. Soon, the Red Cross and other emergency organizations will move on to new crises. The Friends are much more likely to do good things for the unfortunate people of the region than anyone I can think of. They do not discriminate, and they will not proselytize while helping those who wish to reestablish themselves. Also, think about donating money and/or your own time and skills to Habitat for humanity. That organization will be called on to help the poor rebuild their homes, I’m sure.

*AFSC Logo, American Friends Service Committee home Page,, site licensed under a creative commons license. viewed Wed., November 30, 2005.

Please E-mail me at
with comments.
(Note the new address. I am no longer at AOL.)
. Note that I have removed "Comments," as unscrupulous persons were using that part of the “blog” to advertise their products and services. If you have legitimate comments, I hope you will communicate these directly to me.

December 07, 2005

Ford’s Confidential Agreement with American Family Association…
Does it mark a new era in the battle between conservative evangelical organizations and LGBT peoples?

The answer is a resounding no! They’ve boycotted various companies before. It wasn’t so long ago that the Southern Baptist Church and other evangelicals boycotted Disney. It is, however, frustrating that Ford gave into the religious bigots. I refuse to go on a rant at this point. Nevertheless, every Christian person of a not prejudiced persuasion who values his/her freedom should go to GLAAD on line in order to see what can be done to rectify the current situation.

My New Family Photo Album

I often refer to the foil man, Rebecca, and other family members and friends in my journal entries. I have occasionally included images of these in various entries, but of course, over time, they end up buried in my cyber-ramblings. So, I have visited the professor’s museum in Pittsburgh twice during the past year. While there I made copies in the museum basement of his files that catalogue my old black and white photographs from the 1950's and 60's. During this past week I opened a new blog and named it “Isaac’s Family Album.” I linked the album to this journal. The link is located near the top of the column to the right. I shall be adding pages of photographs and text to the album as I have time to create them, and I hope readers will enjoy them.

Friends Service Committee and Habitat for Humanity


I’m still plugging American Friends Service Committee for relief along the Gulf Coast. Long term help is necessary to return the poor to their parishes along the Gulf Coast, and repair the damage done to those neighborhoods that gave New Orleans it’s cuisine and culture. Soon, the Red Cross and other emergency organizations will move on to new crises. The Friends are much more likely to do good things for the unfortunate people of the region than anyone I can think of. They do not discriminate, and they will not proselytize while helping those who wish to reestablish themselves. Also, think about donating money and/or your own time and skills to Habitat for humanity. That organization will be called on to help the poor rebuild their homes, I’m sure.

*AFSC Logo, American Friends Service Committee home Page,, site licensed under a creative commons license. viewed Wed., November 30, 2005.

Please E-mail me at
with comments.
(Note the new address. I am no longer at AOL.)
. Note that I have removed "Comments," as unscrupulous persons were using that part of the “blog” to advertise their products and services. If you have legitimate comments, I hope you will communicate these directly to me.

December 05, 2005

John Kerry hasn’t the strength to carry the Iraq war through.
I just listened to the above phrase on CNN.

I don't understand. Why are we talking about what John Kerry would or wouldn't do? We are stuck with G. W. Bush for three more years!

America made a BIG mistake that has led to other mistakes, one after another, and we're stuck with all of them. What’s more important is that so many Americans don’t want to admit the mistakes. So many of us are entrenched in a divisive religious practice that splinters the country into male versus female, heterosexual versus homosexual, Muslim versus Christian, and other opposites that don’t make sense to anyone who uses their God given intelligence.

As I’ve often said, I don’t pretend to understand God’s intent, but I know that he/she is a good and just God. Thus, I don’t believe God can possibly be happy with the political choices this neo-con evangelical country has made at the beginning of the new century. In fact, I don’t think he/she can possibly be happy with the terribly divisive, conservative and destructive religious and political direction the entire planet seems to have chosen.

Perhaps we should each work toward the promise God made to us when he gave us the baby Jesus over two thousand years ago.

My wish for us all…

Peace, love, and a wonderful Christmas season everyone.

Please E-mail me at
with comments.
(Note the new address. I am no longer at AOL.)
. Note that I have removed "Comments," as unscrupulous persons were using that part of the “blog” to advertise their products and services. If you have legitimate comments, I hope you will communicate these directly to me.

December 01, 2005

Bush speech yesterday gave us nothing new
One article I read suggested that the President had “Mapped” out a strategy.

All Democrats and concerned Republicans as well should be asking questions. Strategy? What strategy? Why did anyone go along with this madness in the first place? How does a reiteration of the past and present state of affairs in Iraq comprise a strategy?

I do agree with Mr. Bush, that, since we are there, we cannot pull out and leave a power vacuum. However, we must have a plan - something against which to measure success. Why hasn’t President Bush described a plan and strategy in Iraq? Afterall, his plan for Education, "No Child Left Behind" demands that educators improve the performance of ALL CHILDREN each and every year as compaired to the previous year. If that does not happen, funding is removed, which has caused those most in need to be left behind.

The Answer(s)

1. Perhaps Mr. Bush doesn’t have a plan in Iraq.
2. A plan might demonstrate a lack of success.

An actual strategy includes measurable goals, such as…

1. By March of 2006 there will be 40 battalions of Iraqi troops involved directly in fighting the war.
2. These battalions will be successful as measured by…
a. battles won
b. insurgents captured and imprisoned
c. a decrease in attacks on civilians and military personnel.

3. Should numbers 1 and 2 be achieved, U.S. troops will be reduced by one third.
4. By December of 2006 there will be fewer than 3 attacks on civilian and / or military personnel per month.
5. Should number 4 above be achieved, U.S. troops will be reduced by a second third.

I don’t pretend to be a military strategist, and perhaps my goals are too simplistic. Nevertheless, the President has experts at his fingertips and should be able to create a viable strategy with realistic goals.

Enough said.

Please E-mail me at
with comments.
(Note the new address. I am no longer at AOL.)
. Note that I have removed "Comments," as unscrupulous persons were using that part of the “blog” to advertise their products and services. If you have legitimate comments, I hope you will communicate these directly to me.